CamCAN Data Use Agreement
I request access to data collected by the Cambridge Centre for Ageing Neuroscience (CamCAN) for the purpose of scientific investigation or the planning of clinical research studies and agree to the following terms (Note: Undergraduate and PhD students should note Point 4 below - your supervisor needs to apply on your behalf).
- I will receive access to de-identified data and will not attempt to establish the identity of, or attempt to contact, any of the CamCAN participants.
- I will not further disclose these data beyond the uses outlined in this agreement.
- I will use the data only for the purposes of non-commercial, ethical research in this application and to seek the approval of CamCAN (via the CamCAN Administrator) for any other proposed use.
- I will require anyone on my team who utilizes these data, or anyone with whom I share these data, to comply with this data use agreement. Note, for this reason, students should ask their supervisors to apply on their behalf.
- I will not copy data to external storage locations (such as dropbox, google drive or external harddrives) and understand data must remain on my institution's server.
- I will respond promptly and accurately to requests to update this information.
- I will comply with any rules and regulations imposed by my institution and its institutional review board in requesting these data.
- I understand that it is my responsibility to check data for errors, and that CamCAN is not responsible for the consequences of unreported errors in the data. I also agree to make any such errors known to CamCAN as soon as possible.
- I understand that CamCAN cannot guarantee exclusive use of these data or police potential overlaps of interest with other researchers.
- I agree to make any publications that arise from use of CamCAN data open-access. Any derived data and processing scripts used to produce those derived data will also be made available on a suitable open-access data repository.
- I will acknowledge the CamCAN project as a source of data and include language similar to the following:
"Data collection and sharing for this project was provided by the Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (CamCAN). CamCAN funding was provided by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (grant number BB/H008217/1), together with support from the UK Medical Research Council and University of Cambridge, UK."
- I will include language similar to the following in the methods section of my manuscripts in order to accurately acknowledge data gathering by the CamCAN investigators. Depending upon the length and focus of the article, it may be appropriate to include more or less than the example below. However, inclusion of some variation of the language shown below is mandatory.
"Data used in the preparation of this work were obtained from the CamCAN repository (available at, (Taylor et al., 2016, Shafto et al., 2015). Citation:
Taylor, J.R., Williams, N., Cusack, R., Auer, T., Shafto, M.A., Dixon, M., Tyler, L.K., CamCAN, Henson, R.N. (2016). The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (CamCAN) data repository: Structural and functional MRI, MEG, and cognitive data from a cross-sectional adult lifespan sample. NeuroImage. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.09.018.
Shafto, M.A., Tyler, L.K., Dixon, M., Taylor, J.R., Rowe, J.B., Cusack, R., Calder, A.J., Marslen-Wilson, W.D., Duncan, J., Dalgleish, T., Henson, R.N., Brayne, C., CamCAN, & Matthews, F.E. (2014). The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (CamCAN) study protocol: a cross-sectional, lifespan, multidisciplinary examination of healthy cognitive ageing. BMC Neurology, 14(204). doi:10.1186/s12883-014-0204-1.
I understand that failure to abide by these guidelines will result in termination of my privileges to access CamCAN data.
I understand that any details I enter on this website and any other communication I have with the CamCAN team will be handled according to our data use policy, and I agree for my data to be stored and used in this way